Gallipolis Daily Tribune – Something’s Brewing in Bidwell

Gallipolis Daily Tribune – Something’s Brewing in Bidwell

Gallipolis, OH 7/1/15 –   Congressman Bill Johnson, R-Ohio, 6th District, looks over burlap sacks filled with coffee beans imported from Colombia, Peru and Ethiopia with Lorraine Walker, owner of Silver Bridge Coffee Co. in Bidwell. The Congressman paid a visit to the Gallia County coffee roasting location because, after having been introduced to the brand by a staffer in Washington, D.C., Johnson serves Silver Bridge Coffee to staff and guests in his Washington, D.C., office and wanted to see for himself where the coffee he enjoys daily is roasted. Silver Bridge Coffee, which is sold at various locations across Ohio and the surrounding region, is a national retail and wholesale coffee-roasting company known for printing the roast date on each package. Walker explained show she and her husband, Phillip, began the business in 2008 (roasting coffee in a popcorn popper) to the trials and tribulations — and many joys — of being a small business owner in southeastern Ohio. The congressman even tried his hand at packaging a bag of coffee, which he was able to take with him after his visit was complete.